A Celebration of Richard Wilbur, Poet for All Seasons

Last year I was thrilled to participate in a remembrance of Richard Wilbur, organized in March 2018 by poets Rennie McQuilkin and Claire Rossini. In selecting 11 of my favorite Wilbur poems to record at Riverway Studio, I re-immersed myself in the deeply felt, often-prescient words and images he left behind. The former U. S. Poet Laureate once wrote, “I feel that the universe is full of glorious energy”; I felt that energy anew when reading lines like “Go talk with those who are rumored to be unlike you” (“For the Student Strikers”) and “the morning air is all awash with angels” (“Love Calls Us to the Things of This World”). I invite you to join me in (re)experiencing poems that speak directly to our capacity for humaneness and help us navigate and comprehend the suffering and possibility of our beleaguered times. Thanks to Ira Sakolsky, I am pleased to share those recordings here.